Nyenty Arrey
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
Contact Information
- 614-236-6100
- narrey@z3312.com
- Battelle Hall 386
Dr. Arrey is a Professor of chemistry and the former director of the Summer Institute in Science and Mathematics at Capital University for 2002-2008.Degrees Earned
Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, February 1997, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
M. S., Organic Chemistry, August 1992, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
B. A., Major in Chemistry, Minor in Biological Science, February 1989, Depauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.
Organic Chemistry 231/232 and 233/234
Chemistry 481/482
Chemistry 150
The Secret to Acing Organic Chemistry, 2017.
Organic Chemistry Laboratory Techniques (Microscale); fourth edition published in 2018.
Organic Chemistry: Lecture Notes with CD, “The Absolute, Ultimate Guide on How to be Successful in Organic Chemistry”; fifth edition, published in 2020 and Interactive Audio Lecture in Organic Chemistry, published 2009.
Transformational Organic Chemistry workbook; fourth edition published in 2018.
Investigative Experimental Organic Chemistry: Microscale Approach, 2010. Additional scholarly publications includes, Organic Chemistry: Intensive Format or Traditional Format, Summer Academe: A Journal of Higher Education, volume 6, 37-45, 2009; “Intensive Learning Versus Traditional Learning in Organic Chemistry”, Summer Academe: A Journal of Higher Education, Volume 5, 21-26, 2005.